Topic 2 | Communicate Like a Remote Working Pro

Building Up Your Language Skills

Below are two examples of casual and formal messages.

Sentence Construction

When using language in a work or educational setting, there should be a barrier between creatively beating around the bush and being straightforward. Remember that in a learning or work perspective, your recipient may have limited time to read your context, so it is crucial to be on point when sharing information.

Sample content

The employees are essential for the development and progression of the company. It is important that the employers should give opportunities to their employees and options to learn through training, seminars, or podcast, so they can boost their morale and improve their skills.

Improved version

Employees are the building blocks of a company. As an employer, it is essential to provide skill and career development opportunities for their employees through training.

Both statements are grammatically correct and convey the same message. However, the improved version is short, legible, and straightforward than the sample content. To achieve a concise write-up, you may follow these tips:

  1. Improve your vocabulary by reading and watching English-oriented articles, books, documentaries, and videos.
  2. Monitor your word count. Reread your content and see if you can still paraphrase your sentences.
  3. If possible, seek professional feedback from a native speaker, proofreader, or editor.
  4. Practice writing and use grammar check tools (see Grammarly) to review your basic sentence constructions.
  5. Use websites and apps for language exchange (such as Italki website or Cake application) to communicate and practice your English proficiency live with other native speakers.